🔥 Core - Kinderspielstadt Öhringen 🔥

Verwaltung + Bank + Radio = ❤️


This is our repository containing all required resources to run the "Core" WebApp from the "Kinderspielstadt Öhringen". This repository also contains all the required Appwrite cloud functions if any exist. ## 🚀 Getting Started The following instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system. ### 🍽️ Prerequisites `NodeJS (including PNPM)` is required to run this project. Also a hosted instance of `Appwrite` is required. ### 📦 Installing At first clone this repository to your local machine by using ``` git clone https://git.cliffbreak.de/Kontast/Core.git ``` Change to the cloned repository ``` cd Core ``` To install all required packages run ``` pnpm install ``` To start the webapp in development mode run the following npm script ``` pnpm run dev ``` ## 🧑‍💻 Configure Visual Studio Code If you haven't a instance of Visual Studio Code up and running download the latest version [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/download). Install the recommended extensions by opening the Extensions-Tab (Ctrl+Shift+X). Enter `@recommended` and install all extensions. After that restart Visual Studio Code to apply all changes. ## 🎉 Contributing Please refer to our **[COMMIT_CONVENTION](COMMIT_CONVENTION.md)** ## 🏗️ Built With * [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) - The JavaScript runtime used as the projects base * [PNPM](https://pnpm.io/) - Faster alternative to npm for managing dependencies * [Vue.js](https://vuejs.org/) - The Frontend Web Framework * [Vite](https://vitejs.dev/) - Used Frontend Tooling * [Appwrite](https://docs.mongodb.com/) - The hosted Backend used for this application ## 🤵 Authors * **Simon Giesel** - *Project Lead & Initial work* - [Simon Giesel](https://git.cliffbreak.de/SimGie)