2020-05-02 20:25:42 +02:00

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# CliffbreakVARO 🗡️
This is the main Repository containing all required resources to compile the Java PaperMC Plugin.
## Getting Started
The following instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
### Prerequisites
`Java 11` is required to compile this project.
### Installing
First clone this repository to your local machine by using
git clone
## Configure Visual Studio Code
If you haven't a instance of Visual Studio Code up and running download the latest version [here](
Install the recommended extensions by opening the Extensions-Tab (Ctrl+Shift+X).
Enter `@recommended` and install all extensions.
After that restart Visual Studio Code to apply all changes.
## Contributing
First create an issue and assign it to yourself. Or assign an existing issue.
Make sure all issue details (description, labels, milestones) are correct.
Check out in a new branch. Notice our convention: use either feature or fix followed by a slash (`/`) and then a **short** description using camel case. (`fix/addMissingImports` or `feature/addBasicAuth`).
After that you may create a Pull Request to merge your changes into master (If it's work in progress add `WIP:` to the title!).
## Deployment
In this section you can read details on the deployment cycle.
## Built With
* [OpenJDK]( - The Java runtime used to compile the plugin
* [PaperMC]( - The framework used to create the plugin
## Authors
* **Simon Giesel** - *Initial work* - [Simon Giesel](